#!/usr/bin/env python # Author:liujun list1 = [1,4,5,7,3,6,7,9] list1 = set(list1) # set is unordered list2 = set([2,6,0,66,22,8,4]) print(list1.intersection(list2)) print(list1 & list2) # Extract the intersection of the two lists print(list1.union(list2)) print(list2 | list1) # Extract the union of the two lists print(list1.difference(list2)) print(list1 - list2) # Extract the difference of the two lists print(list1.issubset(list2)) # Determine whether a list is a sutset of another print(list1.issuperset(list2)) # Determine whether a list is a parent of another print(list1.symmetric_difference(list2)) print(list1 ^ list2) # Extract symmetric_difference of the two lists list1.add(555) # Add single element list1.update([55,66,88,99]) # Add multiple elements list1.pop() # Return and remove an arbitrary set element list1.discard(888) # Remove the element print(list1)